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N.Y. Man Links Irregular Heartbeat, Other Ills To Celebrex Cox-2 Painkiller
A New York man claims that Celebrex pain medication (celecoxib) has caused his irregular heartbeat and other cardiovascular injuries...

Following Vioxx Recall, Plaintiff Wants Second Shot at Responses to Daubert Motion
A plaintiff in a Vioxx personal injury suit has moved to supplement her responses to a Daubert challenge filed by manufacturer Merck & Co. ...

Court Denies Interlocutory Appeal of Decision Dismissing Pharmacist in Arava Case
A plaintiff who claimed that she suffered severe hepatic injury as a result of taking the arthritis drug Arava cannot appeal a judge's recent ruling that pharmacists...

Plaintiffs Move to Create Federal MDL for Vioxx Lawsuits
Plaintiffs in Vioxx personal injury suits have moved to create a federal MDL for national coordination of pre-trial issues arising from the flood of claims expected...

Judge Adopts Recommendation Denying Merck Motion for Summary Judgment
A judge has adopted a magistrate's recommendation to deny Merck & Co.'s motion for summary judgment in a case where a woman claimed she suffered an acute myocardial...

VIOXX and Arthritis Drugs Litigation Conference
HarrisMartin Publishing is pleased to announce its upcoming Vioxx and Arthritis Drugs Litigation CLE Conference, scheduled for Feb. 3 & 4, 2005, at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia. Additional details for this event will be available shortly at